Mugabe Minister Humbles Wadyajena 
17 April 2023
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By-Gokwe-Nembudziya MP, Justice Mayor Wadyajena, has been walloped by former State Affairs minister Flora Bhuka in the just-ended weekend Zanu PF primary rerun.

Party national political commissar Mike Bimha said the results are subject to confirmation by the Politburo.

The winners are as follows: Fundukwa Ephraim (Churu), Matinyanya Martin (Mbare), Mercy Dinha (Zvimba West), and Flora Buka (Gokwe Nembudziya).

The losing candidates are Charles Matsika (Churu), Emmanuel Mahachi (Mbare), Ziyambi Ziyambi (Zvimba West), and Justice Mayor Wadyajena (Gokwe Nembudziya).

In an interview with last Wednesday, Maruva-Dinha, who wife to former long-serving Mashonaland Central Governor, Martin Dinha, said:

I might not know exactly why the people of Zvimba West no longer want the minister who has served them for more than 10 years, but what l know is that he was lacking and had his shortcomings.

The electorate wants an MP who resides among the people, and who comes back to them.

The problem with most senior politicians is they dump voters soon after elections only to return after five years.

I was motivated to contest for Zvimba West MP parliamentary seat because that’s my home area, my roots.

Besides, l am Zanu PF Women’s League provincial secretary for legal affairs and my colleagues and general electorate asked me to contest. The people are the ones that inspired me.

Speaking to NewsDay after the results of the 25 March primaries were announced, ZANU PF women’s league commissar Maybe Mbowa, who hails from Gokwe, where Wadyajena was defeated by Buka, said:

He wanted to come so that he could continue with his corrupt tendencies, but people are not fools.

Mayor (Wadyajena) wanted a comeback so that he could have another chance to loot again.

The people of Gokwe have opened their eyes. They refuse to be oppressed by one person.

Meanwhile, Spare Sithole is the ZANU PF candidate for Insiza South Constituency following the withdrawal of Andrew Langa ahead of the primary election rerun that was set for 22 April.