By Stephen Sarkozy Chuma
Gold smuggling and money laundering criminals fingered in Al Jazeera documentary, Gold Mafia must have their day in court. We as CCC youths, we are very much concerned that more than a month after promising to arrest those fingered in Gold Mafia documentary, the police are still to arrest any of these criminals.
The police are yet to give reasons why they have not effected any arrest as yet. The government besides Monica Mutsvangwa’s statement saying they will investigate every person fingered in the documentary has also buried its head in the sand.
Credit to our citizens representatives in Parliament who have have led the charge to have some of the Gold Mafia criminals summoned to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) this Thursday and Friday. We will follow with keen interest on how some of the criminals like Henrietta Rushwaya and Pedzisai Scott Sakupwanya will respond to PAC questions.
Clearly there is lack of will from the police and the government to arrest gold mafia criminals. Could it be that the involvement of Number 1 (Emmerson Mnangagwa) in the scandal makes ZRP boss Godwin Matanga to develop cold feet?
Is it now a case of who will bell the cat? But of course, we, the people can bell the cat! Mnangagwa knows the power of the people very well. Remember his “the voice of people is the voice of the God” statement after millions marched in support of removal of Robert Mugabe in 2017.
Another march this time against criminals looting our national cake with foreigners is surely necessary and needed.
If the police do not arrest Gold Mafia criminals, we, the citizens must effect citizens arrest.
We cannot allow the Gold Mafia issue to die a natural death. Never!
Stephen Sarkozy Chuma