Mnangagwa Spooks Torment Villagers
15 June 2023
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We have received reports of threats and violence against our members in various areas, including Gokwe, Nyika Growth Point in Bikita, Shurugwi, and many others, carried out by Zanu PF thugs. As we deploy peace ambassadors to these areas, we urge citizens to stand together against these acts of banditry by documenting and taking photos of perpetrators. This can help to provide evidence of their actions and bring them to justice. We encourage everyone to report such incidents to the police and keep case numbers for future reference.

Some of the members identified and documented include Tichaona Mandebvu, Zanu PF youth chairman in Bikita, Daniel Nhatiso, Zanu PF Bikita West candidate, and Court Zevezayi, Bikita East.

We implore all citizens to continue documenting these instances of violence and reporting them to the authorities. Let us work together to ensure that justice is served, and perpetrators of violence are brought to book.
