Matthew Muleya, the head of the Hwange District Zanu PF District Coordinating Committee, and Cuthbert Gwidi, the supervisor of the ZRP Police Band stationed at Mkushi Camp Depot (previously Morris Depot), have been exonerated of allegations related to the rape of a band member following a Harare fundraiser event in 2018.
After the State presented four witnesses, Harare magistrate Mrs. Loice Mukunyadze declared that Muleya and Gwidi had been cleared of all charges.
At the conclusion of the State’s case, the court granted the couple’s request for discharge, and they were released.
The two were accused of performing at a charity banquet where Muleya was a delegate in 2018 with the ZRP Police Band.
The female band member is said to have been left in Muleya’s care after Gwidi later called her back to the hotel where the function was hosted.
The victim was allegedly raped twice by Muleya after that.
For the State, Mrs. Shambadzeni Fungura appeared.