Macheso Thrills White Fans
27 July 2023
By-Sungura music maestro Alick Macheso Monday thrilled a multi-racial crowd at the ongoing ZimAfro T10 cricket games at Harare Sports Club.
Macheso thrilled the crowd with a non-stop two-hour performance, which started at 8pm.
Many white fans were caught up in the wave of ecstasy.
Macheso even begged for additional time on stage which, however, was not granted.
“I personally tried to ask for more hours of performance but the law said no.
“Tinokudai varungu hatigone nemi.
“It is better to arrive late than to be called late.”
Macheso struggled to leave the stage as fans mobbed him.
Orchestra Mberikwazvo publicist, Tich Makahamadze, hailed the fans for their support.
“We salute the organisers of these games for inviting us to come and perform.”