Prophet Uebert Angel Sent Me A Fake iPhone15 To Reward Me For Prison Escape Over #GoldMafia
15 September 2023
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By A Correspondent | Below is the dramatic moment when Zambian former Foreign Affairs Minister and Shepherd Bushiri-anointed-future-president, Harry Kalaba confessed to KBN TV that he was confidently receiving a gift/reward (over his GoldMafia stitch job) from ambassador Uebert Angel which he thought the “prophet” has sent Simba Chikanza to hand deliver to him in Lusaka on 23 Aug, when he suddenly discovered that he has been pouring his mafia secrets to an investigative journalist for over a month.

The gift was a non existent #iphone15promax to thank him for disrupting the police investigations over the #GoldMafia ‘s money laundering whose destruction of several African economies began with Kenya in the 1990s where Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Dubai based partner, Kamlesh Pattni looted Kenya’s Central bank such that it will take a projected 80 years for it to recover. In the Goldmafia part 1 to 4, Pattni exposes himself for utilising the looted Central Bank money to sustain dictatorships beginning with that of Daniel Arap Moi in the 90s. THE FULL LIVE VIDEO ON 23 AUG IS BELOW

Ambassador Uebert Angel was still to respond to requests for a comment at the time of writing.