Daring man storms police station, destroys criminal record book
12 November 2023
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A 40 year old man from Mbembesi’s Nqokola village in Matabeleland North province stormed into a local police station and destroyed a criminal record book kept in the charge office. The incident occurred on Sunday.

Pumulani Tshabalala, who pleaded guilty, was sentenced to four months in prison when he appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Maxwell Ncube early this week.

It was the State’s case that a police officer, Kholekile Dlamini, was on duty on November 5 in the afternoon, when Tshabalala stormed into the charge office saying there were people pursuing him.

The court heard that Dlamini went outside to check for the pursuers but found no one and when he returned to the charge office, Tshabalala had disappeared.

The State said at 6pm when Dlamini was preparing to knock off, he discovered that one of the record books (RRB 04\23) was missing.

The court was told that while Dlamini was searching for the record book, one of his colleagues showed him torn pieces of paper from the record book.

A team of officers traced footprints and pieces of the book were recovered along a path used by Tshabalala when he left the police station.

Investigations led to Tshabalala’s arrest. Southern Eye