Posted Walter Mzembi: Yesterday, @MthuliNcube fielded some ingratiating interview where he sought to credit his Boss @edmnangagwa as some super thinker and the owner of the Budget.
In his own words ” In fact it’s his Budget , he knows everything I am going to present.”
He even suggested that he had some setbacks and recalibrations from their several discussions outside Cabinet.
So, after the Budget Presentation yesterday and the public verdict on it as anti people usurious tax budget, I am now even more curious to see the original draft budget proposal .
It will help in many ways to establish what really is ” Mthulinomics ” and what kind of lording ED did on this Budget. That said the revelation that it is the President ‘ s Budget creates a collateral problem for @edmnangagwa himself, who has his son as a Deputy Minister of Finance, leading many to wonder whose budget this really is?
Chancellors of Exchequers & Ministers of Finance keep a significant surprise element of the Budget as part of their originality.
Mugabe guided the Minister of Finance through National Economic Councils a conclave of the economic cluster &RBZ, and left the rest to the Minister, of course he would be briefed but he would be favoured with the final copy on Budget day.
My issue here is over supervision in the Budget formulation process may kill a Minister ‘ s innovation, and Mthuli let the cat out of the bag on this one.
It explains the difference between Mthuli at Davos , the impressive economist lobbying for a job in 2018 and the politically battered one from Cowdray Park electoral defeat.
The technocrat is no more !