NMC Investigates Sithule’s $25million Qoki Scam
19 January 2024
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By Nancy Ndaba | The UK Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has officially initiated an investigation into Staff Nurse Sithule Tshuma following disturbing allegations of fraudulent activities and multiple instances of bullying reported by her victims. Tshuma’s behavior, as evidenced by her Facebook page and the Qoki Zindlovukazi Facebook group, includes taunting her victims with mocking texts and images, displaying traits indicative of narcissistic tendencies.


Regrettably, Tshuma, a registered Mental Health Nurse, has been entrusted with caring for vulnerable older people, despite a barrage of fraudulent reports received intensively since the beginning of 2023. The NMC suspects that Tshuma may have violated several aspects of its code of conduct, including safeguarding the community and professional integrity.

In this complex case, Tshuma is alleged to have breached specific NMC codes, including:

*Safeguarding the Community:* Tshuma’s involvement in a $25 million scam impacting 38 projects raises serious concerns about her adherence to the NMC’s duty to safeguard the community.

*Professional Integrity:* The alleged financial malfeasance and fraudulent reports suggest a significant breach of professional integrity, a core principle within the NMC code.

*Honesty and Trustworthiness:* The magnitude of the scam calls into question Tshuma’s honesty and trustworthiness, essential qualities for a registered nurse.

*Collaboration and Teamwork:* The misuse of resources in projects managed by a working staff nurse with three young children may violate the NMC’s emphasis on fostering a collaborative and supportive healthcare environment.

Concerned individuals who have been affected by the activities of Qoki and Sithule Tshuma are urged to report the incidents promptly. Reports can be submitted through the NMC website at https://www.nmc.org.uk/, or by emailing details of the fraud involving the nurse to [email protected].

Additionally, affected individuals, regardless of their location worldwide, are encouraged to report the fraudulent activities to Action Fraud online at https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/.

The NMC remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professional conduct within the nursing profession and ensuring the safety and well-being of those who may have been impacted by Tshuma’s actions.