14 May 2024
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By Mark Simuuwe | The booing PF propaganda by old men like Bredner Changala who may have watched soccer from their bedroom, is cheap politics.

Zambians should forgive Bredner Changala because his appetitie to talk is driven by his stomach . We know him well .

Changala should know that PF is gone and it wil never come back . Just their current internal wrangles go to demonstrate why they failed to run the country.

Changala is pushing an agenda for a dead horse.

What he does not realize is that PF died when they started fighting among themselves the day ECL became president and this is the major destruction that led them to the grave apart from failing to run the country.

Newsdiggers side article copy

PF has been a failed project in which almost 80 percent of the cabinet wanted to be leaders of the party.

Non of the senior officials want to be led by the other . This is a sign of a failed project .

Those who stole public funds and are being caught with money cannot advise us how to run the country . People who closed media houses and killed citizens for merely wanting to assemble cannot tell us about freedom and rights .

Those who gassed citizens, created a debt mountain which has brought us to the mess we see in some sectors cannot tell us how to run the country .

Those who closed Indeni and failed to pay council workers cannot tell us how to run the country.

Those who allowed thuggery behavior and militia to take away peace from bus stations and markets cannot tell us how to run the country.

They ran a government of the corrupt , for the corrupt and by the corrupt.

Coming to soccer at the Heroes Stadium yesterday;

Many of those who watched yesterday’s match have been taken aback at the level of cheap politics and propaganda being driven by the opposition political parties .

PF carders like Bredner Changala ought to know that such type of cheap politics are going to damage the image of the opposition more as those electorates that went to watch soccer do well remember that nothing of the booing sort took place .

Sadly , we have old men like Mr Changala who are desperately wanting to remain financially relevant by preaching propaganda and lies .

As I have said before , lies have short legs . It is important for the PF to realize that creating such narratives does not only defeat the whole idea of practicing clean politics but creates more damage and the little confidence that citizens have in the opposition once citizens discover that such are mere assertions.

To date , the same Changala and the PF have failed to produce even a video to prove the booing . This is how dirty their propaganda is .

They have no sense of shame to lie . It is these lies which made Zambians vote them out of power .

After stealing so much money from citizens , destroyed mines , closed media houses , closed Indeni , failed to pay council workers , failed to recruit youths caught with Ukwa bags of money which is being recovered , caused so much bloodshed and death, and state sponsored terrorism , they have now resorted to preaching lies as a way of campaigning by deceit .

PF are so bitter that it is difficult even for them to make sense .

People who failed to run the country cannot advise us how to run the country.

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