By A Correspondent| Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi has mocked his colleague and Women Affairs minister Monica Mutsvangwa following the arrest of her son Neville on charges of illegal foreign currency trading.
Addressing Zanu PF supporters in Mashonaland West, Ziyambi said the current clampdown did not consider whether one is a child of party bigwigs.
He confirmed that among the illegal forex traders where children of Zanu PF chefs but warned that this time they will not be spared.
“Vari kuita huny’any’a vana vemashefu, rwendo rwuno hakuna mwana wa shefu, ndozvatiri kuita,” said Ziyambi.
The Mutsvangwas were recently fuming following their son Neville’s arrest, claiming political persecution targeted at them for standing firm in support of President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the Zanu PF factional fights.
Chris Mutsvangwa went as far as accusing Vice President Constantino Chiwenga of causing his son’s arrest.