Grace Mugabe Ally Eunice Sandi Moyo Dies
16 May 2024
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By A Correspondent| Late former President Robert Mugabe spokesperson Jealousy Mawarire has announced the death of former Zanu PF member and G40 kingpin Eunice Sandi Moyo.

Posting on X, Mawarire said;

“Getting very sad news that Mama Eunice Sandi Moyo passed on. Her dedication towards the freedom of this country cannot be overemphasized. I personally leant a lot from her, we did spent long hours talking about the liberation struggle, her role therein and what she envisaged for our country. She is, with no doubt, a national heroine by all definitions. Rest in peace my mother, you followed up your beloved friend Sarah Mahoka. It’s painful, but so is life. I thank God for the time He gave us with you, I hold these memories dearly and pray that we meet again in eternal glory. Rest In Peace Heroine, Rest In Peace our Dear Mother, Rest In Peace Qhawe!.”

Sandi Moyo was axed from Zanu PF in 2018 after the November 2017 military coup that dethroned long time ruler Robert Mugabe.

After her expulsion from Zanu PF, she was appointed Acting Chairperson of the National Patriotic Front headed by Ambrose Mutinhiri.

She was at one point the Provincial minister for Bulawayo.