Wife Attacks Hubby With Hot Oil
16 May 2024
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A woman from Shurugwi stands accused of domestic violence after reportedly pouring scalding hot cooking oil on her husband during an altercation. Chiedza Tototai, 43, of Village 2 Rentfontein Ruchanyu area, was remanded in prison pending further legal proceedings.

The incident unfolded in the early hours of May 4, 2024, when Tototai allegedly engaged in a heated argument with her husband, Shepherd Gwenzi, 40, over what was described as a lack of intimacy in their relationship. Tototai purportedly expressed frustration, citing her husband’s alleged closeness with his first wife.

According to reports, the altercation escalated when Tototai left the bedroom, boiling cooking oil in a nearby hut. Upon her return, she allegedly poured the scorching liquid onto her husband’s face, causing severe burns to his face and upper body.

During court proceedings, Tototai claimed that the oil spill was accidental, attributing it to a misunderstanding with her husband. However, questions arose regarding how the pot of boiling oil found its way from the kitchen, situated a distance away, to the bedroom where the incident occurred.

Magistrate Sithabile Zungula presided over the hearing and subsequently remanded Tototai in prison. Prosecutor Kwanele Njini outlined the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the injuries sustained by the victim, who is currently receiving medical treatment at Shurugwi District Hospital.

The case has sparked concerns over domestic violence and the need for intervention to address underlying issues within relationships. As the legal process unfolds, authorities are urging for thorough investigation and appropriate measures to ensure justice is served.- Masvingo Mirror