Alois Bunjira Blasts DeMbare Star For Crude Tackle On Own Son
21 May 2024
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By Alois Bunjira

So ,today I have had phone calls and text messages ,with people inquiring about Junior Bunjira’s fitness after that brutal 2 footed tackle from behind by Shadreck Nyahwa .Junior has a bruised swollen ankle and is in pain .The CAPS United doctors are monitoring the injury.

I am not sure how and why Nyahwa didn’t get a straight red card and an expulsion after that cruel bone crashing tackle from behind. That is a straight red offense. I don’t know if I should say “Fortunately ” because there was nothing fortunate about that tackle…but Fortunately the tackle didn’t break Junior’s legs .

My intestines moved in horror when I saw that cruel tackle.I have to be honest ,that I don’t know what I would do ,if he had broken Junior’s leg .But all I know is that I would have possibly jumped onto the pitch to retaliate. .

Hapana sportsmanship yakadaro when one player is intentionally breaking someone else’s legs. Injuries anowanikwa ,and that is football.

I played football and I know all about that, But when someone is intentionally trying to break another player’s leg,it ceases to be sportsmanshipand just a game of football.I don’t think I would be a sportsman if he had broken the kid’s legs

I think referees should be on the look out for evil tackles like that on the field and footballers with that kind of actions should expelled. That is not football.Talent should be protected and brutals weeded out .Not because Junior is my son.

BUT I am speaking for all victims of such brotality….as I wish Junior a speedy recovery .I hope Nyahwa apologized