Chiwenga Under Siege
9 June 2024
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By Political Reporter- A Zanu PF faction aligned with President Emerson Mnangagwa has intensified its purge of party senior members supporting Mnangagwa’s deputy Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s Presidency in 2028.

Last week, the faction assigned the newly appointed party political commissar, Munyaradzi Machacha, to purge Chiwenga supporters.

There are fierce power struggles over succession between Mnangagwa and his deputy Chiwenga, as Mnangagwa aims to extend his rule beyond ten years.

The purging process, termed a ‘restructuring exercise,’ began over the weekend across all provinces.

This initiative is the first step towards building Zanu PF’s lower structures, registering new members, and taking stock of current members.

Zanu PF has dispatched Politburo-led teams to all ten provinces to conduct the witch-hunt exercise.

The process commenced with the convening of Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) meetings over the weekend.

Whenever the Zanu PF leadership feels threatened by internal power struggles, the ruling party carries out such exercises.

The Commissariat Department has deployed Politburo members to address the PCC meetings and explain how the restructuring program will be conducted.

Zanu PF Political Commissar Munyaradzi Machacha stated that after the PCC meetings, provinces should hold Inter-District meetings at all District Coordinating Committee (DCC) centers on June 8 and 9, 2024.

Each province will deploy its PCC members to address these inter-district meetings and communicate the framework for conducting the restructuring program at the cell and village levels.

“The Inter-district meetings,” Machacha said, “should be followed by nationwide Inter-Branch meetings to be held on June 15 and 16, 2024. The actual restructuring should then effectively begin on June 17, 2024, and end on July 17, 2024. The Inter-Branch meetings are very important in this program since it is the Branch Executive Committees that are finally going to physically carry out the actual restructuring of the cells and villages under their jurisdiction, with supervision from District DCC and Provincial leadership.”