Ruth Hwara’s Mother Changes Own Statements On Donated Money Whereabouts
10 August 2024
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By Investigative Reporter | ZimEye | The scandal over the Gofundme campaign for a kidney patient, the university graduate, Ruth Hwara, has seen statements being changed over who has the more than USD45,000 that has been raised in the last two months. 

On Saturday morning, Ruth’s mother briefly spoke to ZimEye while outside Avenues Clinic where her daughter is hospitalised and she made a few statements among them, that, 

1. Her daughter is not grounded at all due to money issues,

2. Ruth cannot fly to India for her operation because of a swelling at the stomach which requires draining. 

3. None of the money that was raised has been misappropriated.  

4. Of the USD45000 (£37,000) raised in a Gofundme account, USD20,000 has been withdrawn and is with her sister’s son, by name Felix Machingambi in his Zimbabwe account. [Watch video below]

Ruth Hwara mother interview

5. The only two people responsible for the money are Nigel Makono, and Felix Machingambi(her sister’s son)

Currently reports suggest more than USD200,000 has been raised of which USD70,000 was raised by one King Solomon and transferred whole to the mother.

But speaking later on Saturday evening, Ruth’s mother changed statements after it was revealed she has no relationship whatsoever, saying this time that Felix did not receive any penny. 

Felix speaking on a live video discussion with several callers who include the sociallite, ‘King Solomon’ at around 8pm narrated as follows: 

Ruth’s mother claimed she gave the money to Felix…However, I recorded her admitting, “My son, Yaya, was forcing me to say this. You did not give me the money.” I asked her, “Mama, with all the money you have given me, have I ever misappropriated any?” She replied, “No, there is not a single cent that you have ever misappropriated.”

I then inquired about the doctor in charge so that they could be confronted about allowing Ruth to fly in her condition. The video cut off at that point, and I asked for Mama’s permission to post it. Afterward, my brother advised me to leave, withdraw, and get on the highway to cool off. It was a painful experience. We stopped three times, and you could tell from people’s stares and whispers that they were talking about us. 

I then said the truth would set me free, and if there’s anything I’m afraid of, it’s damaging my reputation. I built my reputation from scratch, and I’ve realized that some people take pleasure in seeing me in a bad state, even wishing for my downfall. While I can’t stop them, they can’t stop God’s plan. I’m just doing God’s work. If I’ve made mistakes, I’m sorry, but to my fellow Zimbabweans, I’m now afraid to help people. If someone needs help, I’m sorry to say, but I’m now hesitant to assist. I have my own life to live.

For those listening, go to TikTok, where you’ll find all my videos. You’ll see the phone numbers where I advertise. I have nothing to do with anyone else’s money. I work from Sunday to Sunday, January to January, without any off days. I can’t speak about other people’s money because I have no involvement in it. If you see me out there, the little money I have is enough for me. I don’t have any hints to give you. I record even the smallest amounts I’m given, as well as the larger ones, and I post them. Regarding Ruth’s situation, when I heard money being discussed in the group, I recorded a thank you message to give feedback. That’s all I know. But when ever I record, I include the number as someone who is directly looking after money given by people.

King Solomon then swiftly requested, “Felix, let me ask you, when this group was being run, did you hear about problems being discussed there?”

Felix replied, “There was a lot of talk. There were also people sulking and pulling back. I am not close to the family.”

King Solomon observed, “I noticed that you and Yaya are close to the family.”

Felix clarified, “Let me explain, I am not.”

King Solomon continued, “I need to ask you, Felix, when was the GoFundMe account created? Did you have anything to do with it?”

Felix responded, “I did not receive any money. My only involvement was in creating a flyer and distributing it. I did not have anything to do with the GoFundMe campaign. I don’t have any relationship with these people. What I do is create a bridge, but I don’t have a personal relationship with them.”

Tom Jones added, “In the future, I really appreciate what you guys do. But as you help people and saw the GoFundMe program being run, did you see who created the campaign?”

Felix answered, “The suspects are Saru and another person called Ndeyami.”

King Solomon said, “I have never met Ruth’s mother. I would like to meet her.”

Felix offered, “Come through and see her. I can connect you tomorrow. I will send you the location and secure parking for you.”

Felix then asked, “Why did Ruth’s mother lie about the person who assisted her?” I asked her, “Where is the money?” She replied, “I’m sorry, my son, I did it because I didn’t want to get robbed.” I asked her again, and she said the money is in the bank.

Ruth’s mother lied about being related to Felix, claiming he was her sister’s son, which is not true. At the end of the day, these were public funds, and they need to be audited.

Live telephone call to Ruth’s mother:

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, mama.How is Ruth now?

Mother: Ruth is ok. 

Felix: There is that time that I recorded you, mama.And I asked you about the money. That point when I asked you about the money. Now people are asking me saying why did mama lie like that saying she gave you money. 

Mother: You did not receive any money

Felo: So where is the other money

Mother:It is in the bank

Felix: So what about the other money that isn’t in the uk.

Mother: When I spoke to you.I spoke the truth.

Felix: How come when I recorded you, you said that some of the money came some of it remained.

Mother: I did not say that.

Felix m: OK, mama, I won’t like to speak with you.No one is forcing you.How are you today.

Mother: I am well

Felix: Is it true that you gave me gofund me money? 

Mother: No, it is not true, I told you that some of the money is in the bank.

Felix: So for this money for it to spread like that, it was claimed by you that you gave me money.

Mother: When that happened I was being forced. I lied to her.

Felix: You also lied that you are my relative.


Felix: How much did we raise? 

Mother: There is 37,000. 

Felix: It is the Gofundme account? 

Mother: Yes. 

Felix: Who assisted us to do the gofundme? 

Mother: They are Ruth’s friends. 

Felix: Who are they? 

Mother: There is Nigel, and there is Gamu. 

Felix: Nigel who is Sekuru (uncle) or Nigel (friend)? 

Mother: Nigel Sekuru (uncle).

Felix: So how much have we used so far? 

Mother: We have used USD5,000. 

Felix: So how much is left? 

Mother: 32,000. 

Felix: Alright. 


Felix: Alright mama, you can now sleep. Vut mama, I am bej g accused of stealing money. 

Mother: not true. 

Felix: King Solomon is also being accused. 

Mother: Not true. 

Felix: Alright you may go to rest mama. 

-Phone cut.- 

King Solomon: This is not connecting or making sense. 

Unless there is money elsewhere, The figures are not adding up. 

ZimEye has established that the so called Nigel who is an uncle, and who is said to be a friend of Ruth, is in fact the mother’s boyfriend, renowned in the local Harare community for amassing a sudden gush of wealth with which he has established a big car sale business.

– ZimEye