Chamisa Offers Comfort to Struggling Citizens
11 August 2024
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By Tinashe Sambiri

Opposition leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa has reflected on his modest beginnings and his rise to political prominence in a recent statement.

On Saturday, Chamisa shared his personal journey, emphasizing his belief in divine intervention and the potential for greatness emerging from humble origins.

He said:


For those who have never witnessed my upbringing, it might be hard to grasp when I say #Godisinit. My life is a testament to what God can achieve through ordinary people and for His own name and glory.

Throughout history, God has used ordinary and often overlooked individuals to accomplish remarkable feats—consider the stories of Moses, Daniel, Hannah, Ruth, Rahab the prostitute, David the shepherd, Joseph, and Mary. Even Jesus Christ was born in a manger, not in a grand hospital. Similarly, in Zimbabwe, God is still at work.

Great things are yet to come, for #Godisinit.”