By Kerina Mujati | This man is CRUEL and his name is Phillip Valerio Sibanda. It must be known and be on record that he was the Army Commander that ORDERED Army tanks onto the streets of Harare in November 2017 not Chiwenga, why is he not ORDERING the Army tanks now for Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa?
If Phillip Valerio Sibanda ordered army tanks for an elderly Mugabe, why is he protecting Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa who is a looter, rapist, ritualist, murderer, paedophile, fake a Munhumutapa violating our Constitution with his dangerous and deranged Son Sean abusing the Army uniform? The Air Force under Perence Shiri did not participate they were just FORCED OBSERVERS of the coup.
In 2018 Chiwenga was no longer Commander Defence Forces or Commander in Chief (President). Chiwenga had no legal basis to deploy or give instructions to shoot civilians on the streets. The 2018 shootings were and are a responsibility of Commander in Chief Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa and Commander Defence Forces Phillip Valerio Sibanda.
Till this day the recommendations of the 2018 Motlanthe Commission has not been attended too as the culprits Emmerson and Valerio are the ones who must be held accountable. Can Zimbabweans who should be protected by the Army, were shot in cold blood by Army commanded by Valerio Sibanda and his thugs in uniform andnoone is answerable to these murders? This cannot be wished away. Chamisa equally insulted the deceased that they were stupid in demonstrating for the delayed election results. Zimbabweans, do not be fooled that Phillip Valerio Sibanda is an upright man he is crooked and enabling Mnangagwa’s grip on power and the Mafidhi Dynasty.
I demand that the Motlanthe Commission must be looked at as mhosva hairove, power is temporary and borrowed. Valerio Sibanda, cha ED kunyangara fesi zvese nemoyo killing Zezurus…hence it is easy for you to deploy Army tanks on the streets of Harare. I am seeing and you can’t fool all kuuraya vanhu kuda kuita Gukurahundi mu Harare,ana Satan. Valerio Sibanda the Boko Haram of Zimbabwe. Zimu Dissident remunhu,bloody murderer. Protecting one man and his family at the expense of millions of Zimbabwean, is that why you are being paid by Taxpayers?