Dzikiti Submits Resignation Letter Suggesting Mnangagwa Is Stepping Down | FULL TEXT
4 February 2025
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✨National Chairperson

31 January 2025

Ref: Resignation From Varakashi4ED National Executive and Organisation

Dear Sir

Whilst I feel that I have a family among you Cdes in this organisation, I also have respect for my principles which at this point in time clings to the current position and love of the incumbent and recently voted president of the Republic until 2028.Respecting the resolution of conferences and awaiting outcome of processes and 2027/28 congress ,I personally feel I cannot support or comment on issues beyond 2028 .I have a strong conviction that Vision 2030 and NDS 2 will propell Zimbabwe to greater heights towards an upper middle income economy.That fact alone is my focus as well as speaking to the current works from our esteemed President and Zanu Pf government.What I will not do at present is to be cajoled and force marched into a narrative I have no appetite for which is the so called term extension or succession social media debacle.I choose to be a card holder,DCC 3 Executive Member who will naturally respect any outcome in Zanu Pf.

I was born in Zanu Pf and grew up in Zanu Pf.I once left membership of the party over the overstaying in power of my own uncle Cde Robert Mugabe and came back shortly before operation restore legacy.Hence it will be morally gross to appear to be seconding the same today.

Hence Cdes I hope you will understand that mobocracy has never been my cup of coffee.I have written this letter to let you know of my “fence ” or intellect position which I will maintain until the 2027-28 Congress or subsequent processes.

In view of the above I resign from Varakashi4ED in all it’s forms .I will henceforth desist to belong to any affiliate and in particular Varakashi4ED in any way.I will serve my party Zanu Pf in it’s formal structures and renounce any association with Varakashi4ED.

My brief has always been on speaking to developmental projects towards NDS 1 and 2 and I remain committed to that aspect as a Zanu Pf information secretary in DCC3 .

Aluta Continua.

Thank You

Cde Gilbert Dzikiti