Magafuli Fires Minister In Public For Being Involved With Married Women.
28 June 2020
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President John Pombe Magufuli

Tanzania President John Pombe Magufuli more often makes surprising moves in full glare of the public as one senior government official came to find out on Sunday during Magufuli’s tour of his region to launch a government project

In this Video posted by Mtanzania Digital, Tanzania President John Magufuli has sacked Kisarawe district adminstrative secretary (DAS) Mtela Mwampamba for going contrary to ethics of leadership. The president revealed that he had received complaints that Mwampamba was allegedly sleeping with married women in the area.

Because this was not the first time the head of state had received such complaints about the DAS, he ordered that he should be transferred, demoted with immediate effect and went ahead to install a replacement immediately as the public cheered on

Magufuli had visited the Kibamba and Kisarawe areas to launch water projects in the areas. He urged the residents to enjoy the blessings of enough water availability but at the same time take note of responsible water use