‘For Us Business Is A Calling…’
26 May 2016
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Taka SandeIt is important to line up with God’s calling and purpose, which are always linked to your gifting.
Having the calling and gifting is not the end. You need to develop and nurture your gifts by training and development. Involve the right mentors, coaches and advisors in order to ensure sustainable growth.
Be sure if business is your calling. If it is not, you have two choices. Either stop and do other things you are called to, or you can continue until God clarifies your direction. In this way you will not get disappointed when you get less than expected results. Listen to God.
Doing business in a corrupt environment.
Wealth gotten by corrupt means will be maintained by corrupt mean.’ The foundation is critical in determining your path and your future. Choose your path with wisdom. Do not give bribes and do not take bribes. Make up your mind now that you will wait on God’s timing and receive his blessing. Rather wait for a door opened by God, than force it using human effort. Decide today how you will handle this.
There is no substitute for integrity. And the Bible repeatedly states that integrity will be rewarded.
Babies do not grow to maturity in two days
It takes time. Just like a baby, growing and building a business takes time, effort and sacrifice. Therefore you need that character of Christ reflected through the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Avoid get rich quick schemes at all cost. They are not businesses, but just scams.
It is said that 80% of businesses that are started do not last for a year. And another 20% fail in the second year. You need tenacity to make it. It can take up to five years to lay a good foundation of a business and another five years to mature it. Patience is needed and is the fruit of the Spirit.
Do you know Warren Buffet? He made 99% of his money when he was over 50yrs old! Yes. He spent most of his life building a pipeline. At 50 he was worth $600m. This has since grown to over $63.3bn.
If you walk alone you walk fast, perhaps into your destruction. But if you walk with God, you walk into eternity. You work remain for ever. This is the kind of wealth that you can pass to the next generation.
Do not be short sighted. Consider the bigger picture. Put God first.
Have a great day!
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