“Suka Auxillia Mnangagwa, Diaspora Women And Dr Amai Started This Way Before You,” Mujati Speaks
25 December 2017
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Kerina Mujati

Kerina Mujati | The Public Relations Team for Auxilia and Dambudzo Mnangagwa must be told straight in their miserable faces that there is nothing special or unique about what this bloody power grabbing couple are doing.

We have been helping as women from here in the Diaspora or at personal level but have never run to the media for recognition. We have sacrificed our hard earned pennies whilst the Mnangagwas were busy thieving and living in opulence calling us Diasporans sellouts.

There is nothing to write home about your kneeling down or donations Auxilia we have done it before you and never sought praise like you do. Dr Amai (Grace mugabe) has done great work for our communities but was never desperate to be captured on camera. We have walked down this road while you were busy looting our Diamonds and Gold….now you using State funds you want us and the world to stop and give you credit????Aagh suka wena, asifuni bumbulu Auxilia.

Uyahlanya try something else. Nothing to write home about your visit to Chikurubi those women, men and children they need more than your bottle of drink. There are many challenges affecting inmates not your packet of crisps to their children. Yous should be paying them monthly allowances for the work they are doing. There are more pressing issues to do with their living conditions and rehabilitation that no one talks about.

They haven’t lost their human rights even if they are in prison. There is an urgent need to address their Mental and Physical wellbeing. How is the Prison Services preparing these men and women to be rehabilitated other than trying to sugar coat their dilemmas? Suka wena Auxilia ndozvonetsa matofo akabatiswa pito. Stop insulting us.

How many years have you been in Government but never thought of addressing their issues during Question Time in Parliament ? It had to take you to become a wife of a Coup President to realise that Chikurubhi Prison has neglected inmates? Ndati suka wena. Keep trying but chokwadi chaicho ma Copycats munosvota chamunongogona chete kuda kuitira vanhu vakazvitanga noise. Thathekile suka. #cd3sistermwenewazvo#


26 Replies to ““Suka Auxillia Mnangagwa, Diaspora Women And Dr Amai Started This Way Before You,” Mujati Speaks”

  1. writer shes e first lady how quiet can she become i think there is nothing wrong with that. she didnt impose herself the ruling party put him there they are still in power remember that till elections support the good things one love

  2. hauna nyaya hauna evidence and ndiwe wakadhibha not isu pamberi nekuvaka nyika, Pamberi nevanoda kuvaka nyika pasin nevanoiparadza ED did nothing to u they removed Mugabe now what can u say just this stupid hate speech manje ini i vote for the president with people at heart not mere talk.

  3. Haya it seem like you pple have a problem ..its not like she wants to do better than “Gucci Grace”All she is doing is instilling the Christmas spirit in pple something that Grace never did ir cares about.All she did was kutuka vanhu kuma Rallies nekudya mari DZENYU futi then u say aishanda.Clearly the woman akasiya akuputirai.Iwo na boutique acho anokupai chikafu here ? Just leave the first lady to fulfill her duties if u have a problem nazvo Teverai mai venyu Gire mubude mese…u are the pple who stop Zimbabwe from progressing imi …Piss off mhani

  4. As Zimbabweans this culture of insulting each other does not help us to build our nation.
    Kerina I don’t think you understand how Mugabe a Dictator s government used to operate, it was a Mafia.
    Now that we are in a new Zimbabwe let’s respect each other.
    You can even work together with her since you want to alleviate the conditions in our prisons
    If you shout at the first lady, or any ordinary citizen of our nation the constitution of our country does not allow that, and as a result the law will check on you.

  5. Zimbos going the same route that created the Mugabe monster by praise singing, I do not know when we are going to learn. Mujati has a right to her opinion and so do all of us, I agree with her 100%, time will tell. Just a reminder, as the ED team is going after the so called criminals, they should not forget themselves.

  6. Believe it or not The Crocodile will win a free and fair election . He is on a mission

  7. She is still the first lady. Its of no consequence that she wasn’t elected since ED replaced Mugabe mid-term.

  8. Ulizanka wena .if you don’t have anything to say i will advise you to shut up.ngoba yidoti nje oyibhale lapha umbedo nxa

  9. This woman is behaving like an abused wife. Even if there is positive change from the husband.she still believes she is being abused. Give chance to ED and his team. We are in a complex transition and we need cool headed people. No one can argue that it’s not the best outcome we expected, but guess what ED is the only person who can extricate Zimbabwe from its current economic nightmare. His policies are positive and good for the country. So far I see no reason why I can not vote for him. We have very complicated issues and a complicated society. To move forward we need a military style management to wipe out inherent corruption in our system of governance. And the best person to lead for now is Ed. So my sister please keep your misery to yourself whatever issues you have with Mnangagwa. He is doing a good job!!! And I believe the majority are with him and his team

  10. Kerina you are Right zvekuita on Camera hazvina ropafadzo kunaYave ndezvekuda kunzi ndiri kukunda Amai Doc Gucci its not from the Heart. She wants to outsmart Gire chete, nema Chicken Inn lol gegegegege guuuuu Gire aiva pamberi jealous down, waishanda mukadzi uya norowondo of business rake tinoziva kuti akatanga from Free Markets~ Boutiques~ etc etc until paava wasvika apo. But Amai Auxilia munoita nezvei imi beside kusvetukira zvaitwa naGire

  11. Seems Kerina you were a beneficiary of the Dr. Amai theft and machinitions. Word of advise Stop It. Repent or else

  12. kerina unogwara uchifamba.kana wazowana nguva uite bho.Imi rambài muchiita ka na Dr Amai, mai Mnangagwa vachiitawo nerimwe divi.Ko vakurambidzai here? Ukwane

  13. Wena mujati you start to utter your hate speech “Uyahlanya” on a good Xmas day like today from wherever you’re. We wont hesitate to tell you b***e ramaiko now, point blanck. Tseek.

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