LATEST PICTURES Of Mnangagwa’s Secretaries After Cyanide Attack
12 December 2014
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ZimEye herewith exclusively reveals that Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s secretaries were indeed attacked at the government presidential offices as reported Wednesday despite the Government’s bungling with investigations and reports on the incident(READ MORE- Cyanide Poison Attack on Mnangagwa, By Robert Mugabe) resulting in only the President knowing about the accident way before any journalist (including State journos) had. In the first picture is the first secretary who works in the President’s office only identified as “Fadzai” who was still hospitalised at the time of writing as prayers were being called upon for her speedy recovery. Fadzai is a traditional member of Ezekiel Guti’s ZAOGA church. The second is Mnangagwa’s usual secretary, Catherine Magaya who is also at West End Hospital. will keep our valued readers informed as events unravel. PICTURES:

5 Replies to “LATEST PICTURES Of Mnangagwa’s Secretaries After Cyanide Attack”

  1. Cynadide attack. Who came up with the conclusion it was cyanide. Forensic? Ngwena quick to call it cyanide without investigation. Ndiye naSavior vane cyanide they used to poison elephants. Hahahaha. Mugabe once again reveals how clueless he is

  2. Fake story. These pple have not had any cynide attack. Its a stage managed sympathy acquisition project. Noone can be fooled by the murderous Mnangagwa.

  3. Oh-h pepani. . . very sorry indeed. Wish them speedy recovery. But the one working in the president’s office . . . . any chances of her becoming the Zim first lady?

  4. Mangangwa was never attacked by anyobody, he is simply playing victim so that earns public sympathy and therefore support. He is the one who poisoned these ladies

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