Gruesome Murder: Man Kills Girfriend Over HIV
13 December 2014
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A married man from Mangwe District is on the run after allegedly forcing two children aged seven and 10 to watch as he beat his girlfriend to death. Farai Maphosa, 35, accused Singatsho Ndebele, 41, of being a prostitute and infecting him with HIV.
A helpless Ndebele reportedly tried to fight back but an enraged Maphosa overpowered her and pounded her with a log and hoe handle until she died. The children were screaming in terror throughout the brutal assault.
Matabeleland South acting police spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Nkosilathi Sibanda confirmed the incident which occurred on Thursday around 2AM at Khalanyoni area.
He said Ndebele was killed at a homestead where she was employed as a domestic worker.
He said Maphosa is alleged to have gone to Ndebele’s workplace and ordered her to open the door.
Ass Insp Sibanda said Ndebele who was in the company of the two juveniles, refused but Maphosa forced the door open.
“The accused person forced the door open and gained entry into the house and Ndebele tried to escape but Maphosa caught up with her while she was on the veranda and struck her on the head with a wooden hoe handle which he was holding,” said Ass Insp Sibanda.
The woman sustained a deep cut on the head and started bleeding but that did not stop her lover from harming her further.
Ass Insp Sibanda said Maphosa then dragged the woman into the house and ordered the two children who were asleep at the time to wake up and witness how a prostitute is treated.
He said Maphosa told the two children that he was punishing Ndebele for infecting him with HIV.
He said the accused person then struck Ndebele several times with the log all over the body until she collapsed while the two juveniles watched and screamed for help. He then dragged her outside for about 50 metres, dumped her body and fled.
Ass Insp Sibanda said neighbours arrived at the scene after hearing screams from the two children but Maphosa had already disappeared. He said Ndebele who was unconscious at the time was taken to Mayobodo Clinic but died upon arrival.
The acting police spokesperson said Maphosa was still at large and police had launched a manhunt to arrest him. Ass Insp Sibanda appealed to community members to use peaceful methods to solve disputes.
He appealed to people with information on Maphosa’s whereabouts to call Mayobodo Hotline on 0775 870 464 or send messages on WhatsApp to 0771 443 373.
Maphosa’s relative who identified herself only as MaMguni said her brother-in-law was having an affair with Ndebele while on the other hand he had a family of his own.
She said the two were always fighting.
“We were notified by the police that my brother-in-law had murdered his girlfriend. They started having an affair a long time ago and they have a child together.
“As of now no one knows where Farai could be as the police have looked for him in several places within the village where we thought he could be hiding,” said MaMguni.

3 Replies to “Gruesome Murder: Man Kills Girfriend Over HIV”

  1. Chawagona hapana njere dzebenzi dai unovungwaru waizvipindira zvako pachirongwa wowona mhuri yenyu ichikuru zvakanaka . Parirenyatwa urikuvata pabasa hausi kuita zvirongwa zvinodzidzisa vanhu nezvedenda zvakasimba , pindai mumaruzevha muvapakurire ruzivo kwete zvokungovata uchidhla mari yehurumende ikoko

  2. Chawagona hapana njere dzebenzi dai unovungwaru waizvipindira zvako pachirongwa wowona mhuri yenyu ichikuru zvakanaka . Parirenyatwa urikuvata pabasa hausi kuita zvirongwa zvinodzidzisa vanhu nezvedenda zvakasimba , pindai mumaruzevha muvapakurire ruzivo kwete zvokungovata uchidhla mari yehurumende ikoko

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