Vice President Mphoko In Car Accident
13 December 2014
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ALSO READ: Vice President Mphoko Lucky Escape from Car Accident  | State Media Version:
A disturbing rumour gripped social networks Saturday evening claiming that Zimbabwe’s new 2nd Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko has been involved in a car accident.
Details were sketchy at the time of writing with claims that the Vice President escaped the damaged vehicle unhurt. It is his wife who has had to be rushed to the hospital, the report claimed.
UPDATED: Vice President Mphoko Lucky Escape from Car Accident  | State Media Version:
Telephone calls to ZANU PF Information and Publicity Secretary Simon Khaya-Moyo were failing at the time of writing.
The rumour did not state the location of the accident.
The rumours were flamed up due to the usual nature of death through accidents of high profile politicians in the country. Several officials have died in mysterious circumstances in recent years the latest being that of former Deputy Minister of Mines,  Edward Chindori Chininga; and another being that of Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa in October which some ZANU PF officials claim was meant to hurt the new VP.
The development comes shortly after Mphoko’s colleague Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa survived a cyanide poison attack on his offices which nearly slew three staff members.

2 Replies to “Vice President Mphoko In Car Accident”

  1. Ha-ha-ha-ha-rare rum our capital. I love these reports. Makes life worth living after all !!!!!!!! Can we hear these…?mnangagwa stabbed by underage avenues street girl. Chiyangwa arrested for spreading HIV to schoolgirls…… Mugabe spoils self at meeting in north Korea……bona beaten up by drunk lover…..kaukonde deported from drc-.-.grace threatens begging street kid with violence for disturbing her driving rolls-royce……kasukuwere collapses after 6 course eatinfrenzy at Sheraton…mpofu suffers heart attack while buggering herd boy…….mutswangwa denies embezzling ministry salaries…..mushowe fakes educational qualifications…..muchingura oppah knows who killed tongogara/nhongo/chitepo/gezi/mudnge……street kid demands DNA test to prove zhuwao raped her teen mother…. zimra investigate sacked chinamasa for tax fraud and corruption…..sekeremayi implicated in plot to get rid of chinotimba….Mary chiyengwa resigns miss zim trust after contestants forced into sodomy by her general husband chiyangwa, kaseke…..mliswa found drunk outside banana lodge urinating in public….sales tax upped to 30 % in supplementary budget to pay for Mugabe’s funeral at criminals acre……hotel chikurubi mysteriously burnt down at new years prison officers’ new year orgy…..9 zpuff ambassadors/73 spoof diplomats seek asylum in UK EU USA as foreign ministry purges….. airzim plane with 3 passengers only crashes at Beijing……riot police flee as green bombers demand salaries for inciting violence….whore vets demand free sex causing state house to be barricaded….Tobias mudede eaten by croc after falling drunk off luxury yacht in lake kariba….chidyausiku snores at trial of mengistu’s gardener who denies murder of exiled despot….more to cum tomorrow by popular demand

  2. All this is a pretext to seriously and brutally purge the Mujuru faction and create anarchy in the country. If there are so many assassination attempts on all these demagogues, how come they are all failing?? It is as clear as day that they are being construed and may whoever is responsible for this pliz rubbish STOP IT right now! We don’t need this in our country! Nxaaa!

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