MUGABE’S EXIT PACKAGE: Mnangagwa’s Office Speaks
3 December 2017
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Exit package… Robert Mugabe

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Secretary for Media, Information and Broadcasting Services, George Charamba has issued a statement denying reports that former President, Robert Mugabe got US$10 million and also other retirement benefits as a precondition for his resignation.

In previous documented reports, Mugabe was named to have won an exit package which includes 75% of the current sitting President’s salary.

But Charamba told the state media Mugabe’s retirement package is yet to be worked out by the Civil Service Commission.

He said it will be in terms of the Constitution

“The military were not a substitute for civilian authority, ” said Charamba.

He added saying, “they never intended to overthrow Constitutional authority. So, you cannot then suggest that they were cutting deals with the outgone President without implying that they were now the new Constitutional authority of the land, but, more importantly, without also implying that they had overthrown the Constitution, which is a matter of fact, stipulates the entitlement of a sitting President when he retires.”

“The package of the former President will be in terms of the laws of the land and will be worked out by the Civil Service Commission, not by generals, not by negotiators, not by the previous Head of State.

“After all, we are not in a unique position by way of having a retired Statesman or President. We had that experience towards the end of the 1980s when President Banana retired. A package was done for him in terms of the law.”

11 Replies to “MUGABE’S EXIT PACKAGE: Mnangagwa’s Office Speaks”

  1. The ZANU PF military junta is nw in control. How they will hand over power to a constitutionally elected gvt remains to be seen. Maiti masoja haadi kupinda panyanga? Chiwenga is still coming pa VP apo. Iye zvino vambomira ku announcer kuti mumboita come to terms ne new status quo

  2. The Coup Plotters bought Mugabe to resign and promised to pay him a Severance Package of USD 10 Million and agreed to pay him a Retirement Pension in spite of Mugabe’s govt having stolen USD15 Billion from ﹰDiamonds. The ﹰNew ﹰMilitary ﹰRulers are just as corrupt as ﹰRobert ﹰMugabe himself. Who is more corrupt between ﹰChombo and ﹰObert ﹰMpofu? They are both corrupt but Chombo is being prosecuted becoz he is G40 and not Lacoste. This is selective application of Law and is unfair and leads to lawlessness. ED’s purported Zero Tolerance on Corruption is all Talk and laughable.

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