ZAPU Stands With Matebeleand Chiefs On Ndebele King
6 March 2018
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Media Statement

Zimbabwe African Peoples Union wishes to congratulate the Chiefs of Matebeleland for heeding the call to unite and stand firm with their people on the issue of the coronation of Crown Prince Bulelani Khumalo.

The unity of purpose displayed by the Chiefs in the face of a paranoid repressive regime blocking the event over the weekend was demonstration of astute and resolute leadership.

ZAPU, as believers in peoples power stand firm behind the Matebeleland Chiefs and are supportive of their brave stance against the repressive Zimbabwean establishment that is prepared to disregard the constitution and international statutes on human rights in order to push a hegemonic system that violates rights of citizens.

Failure to interpret the law and constitution leading to the weird High Court provisional order over the matter is testimony that the ZANU PF system is so hell bent on perpetuating it’s evil on the people even in areas the constitution seeks to protect them.

It is constitutionally provided that a people can practice their culture without hindrance and interference of any sought. It is also constitutionally provided that a traditional leader of a peoples choice can preside over their traditional and cultural affairs.

The courts decision around this matter, after the monumental failure to read the constitution and law not only smacks of hypocrisy, but as insulting arrogance to everything legal and constitutional by a regime whose existence is a result of a military coup which is not provided for in the Zimbabwean constitution.

How the country’s courts endorsed the November coup and deny coronation of a Ndebele Crown Prince beats the legal mind, especially considering the constitutionality around the Ndebele monarchy and it’s historical connotations.

The involvement of ZANU PF in this matter, together with assigning Fortune Charumbira to interfere in this matter is not only off the point but deliberate ploy to delay the revival of the Ndebele culture and traditions.

ZANU PF and Charumbira are not at all versed about the Ndebele culture, so how do they seek to preside over what they are not aware of? They have never known a King throughout their inflated history.

ZAPU knows fully well that had ZANU PF and Charumbira had a King in their history, by now that monarchy would have been restored. They however can never respond positively to the Ndebele Crown since it’s not part of their culture.

ZAPU also notes with sadness the involvement of one of the Khumalo clan members, Peter Zwide Khumalo who filed in the same courts of Zimbabwe challenging the coronation. The fact that his unveiling went on unhindered is testimony that he has become the hand of the evil system that has oppressed and suppressed the Ndebele nation since it’s fall 1893.

The mother party fully supports the resolution by the Matebeleland Chiefs to remain resolutely united until the King is coronated.

We support the legal and constitutional route they have announced, and any other that is meant to facilitate realization of full rights of all citizens without prejudice.

*Iphithule Thembani Maphosa*
*ZAPU National Secretary for Information Publicity and Marketing*