Rufaro Gijima | Under the rubric of democracy, politicians from MDC have over the past two decades managed to give birth to MDC 1999 (Job Sikhala led), MDC Tsvangirai, MDC Alliance, MDC Ncube, MDC Mutambara, MDC Chamisa, MDC Khupe! Phew, hopefully the list is about to come to an end.
Sad enough, out of this MDC political adventurism, the electorate fail to realise that everything being done is only but inspired by cash, as they are swayed and hoodwinked into believing that it’s out of some high moral responsibility to whisk them towards some form of ‘democracy’.
What’s even worse discouraging is how these sprouting formations never seem to spell out , that which they intend to offer the electorate, their vision which obviously should be different from the host, but instead only propel their greediness.
Whilst reports feign to present the recent Khupe-led break away as emanating from tribalism and to some extend chauvinism in the party, how then does the party justify the past breakaways which spell of nothing other than power hungriness.
Learned Chamisa who recently promised people of Matabeleland a Presidential seat in the next election (2023) in the event of him winning is surprising given his reluctance to settle differences with Khupe to avoid more cracks in the party, a situation which could have been avoided.
Democracy, leadership, patriotism, human rights advocacy has nothing to do with someone being at the top. Lest people are fooled! Instead the greatest democracy advocates in the world have been civil society organizations and not leaders of political parties, so really if its democratization which they are all fighting for why make a fuss about being at the top.
Clearly all these leaders merely intend to ride on MDC’s established ‘popularity’ to further fatten their pockets because the sad reality has been that all previous splitting attempts by the various MDC factions always come to naught, as the prodigal sons eventually rekindle their lost love when they become bankrupt.
Other breakaways have however been linked to source funding whereby the opposition hopes to maximize on donors by playing victim to the mother party , and accumulate more funds in this instance Khupe is using the tribal line.
Realizing that elections are already around the corner, the beleaguered party also intends to gain political mileage by the continuous media criticism and exposure which they will gain from their purported tiff.
Whilst I am no legal expert, why doesn’t MDC’s constitution address the continuous ab(use) of the name Movement for Democratic Change if it’s not for their benefit as well.
Other break away personalities have often come up with different names eg when Mujuru broke away from Zimbabwe People First , she formed National People’s Party (NPP), and certainly not ZimPF-Mujuru, neither do we have Zanu PF-Mugabe; clearly proving that they are totally divorced from the former.
Alas, for the past 20 years MDC continues with this nonsense, and haven’t attempted to stop anyone from using it. Food for thought!
Clearly this new confusion wrecking in MDC sets to confuse sympathizers, democratic voters and should be put to halt forthwith as the troubled party is now at cross roads, again forcing supporters to align with either Chamisa or Khupe, the bitter sweetness of power.
MDC is a very good example of what a party should never be.