Eight Months Pregnant Woman Collapses And Dies In City Centre
20 March 2018
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By Paul Nyathi

In a horrific incident, an eight-months pregnant woman collapsed and died in the streets of Bulawayo city centre on Monday.

The woman who had just come out of a doctor’s surgery for routine checks died along Joshua Nkomo Street in the City Centre probable due to hypertension.

The woman from Queens Park suburb was in the company of her two siblings who watched her deteriorate and die as an ambulance with medical personnel could not get to the scene on time to resuscitate her.

One of the woman’s sisters, who was crying uncontrollably, told journalists on site that they had just walked out of a nearby surgery but her sister had not been treated as she had been referred to another doctor.

“We have just come out of this surgery where they said they couldn’t help her. She sometimes experiences difficulties in breathing.

“As we walked out of the surgery, she asked us to allow her to rest as she couldn’t breathe. She is getting worse and I am scared she can die here, she can’t leave us just like that,” said the woman who sobbed uncontrollably.

As passersby argued about what to do, the woman died.

“It was sad to watch someone die helplessly because it actually took more than 30 minutes for an ambulance to be called and arrive at the scene,” a witness said to the journalists.