By Paul Nyathi|MDC-T National Executive member Job Sikhala has defended his principal Nelson Chamisa on speculations that he is working at bringing back into politics controversial former First Lady Grace Mugabe.
In a Facebook post on Friday, Sikhala said that Chamisa is an intelligent politician who knows what he is doing.
Wrote Sikhala:
It is naive to speculate the MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa from the lens of ignorance and sarcasm.
The young man is politically brilliant beyond measure. He reads the politics with exceptional dexterity. He is not what haters see him to be.
To expect him to appoint the former First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe to be his Vice President is an attempt to portion ZANU PF factionalism to President Nelson Chamisa and the Alliance.
There is no doubt that Grace ‘s husband still has residual supporters who are inching for revenge. To apportion them to anyone at the moment is a mistaken notion. Anybody who things that Mugabe has zero support at the minute is demented. Whom they will vote is anyone’s guess.
However, it would be excessive insanity to think that because of that unquantified support Chamisa will appoint Grace his Vice President is expecting too much.
Don’t discount the adage that every vote counts.