Kasukuwere Not A Border Jumper But Refugee
12 June 2018
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Saviour Kasukuwere

By Paul Nyathi|Former cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere has appeared in court on charges of flouting the country’ immigration laws.

The former ZANU PF commissar pleaded not guilty to the charges of violating the country’s immigration law by unlawfully leaving Zimbabwe using an undesignated port.

Kasukuwere skipped the country’s borders in November last year when the army executed a coup on former President Robert Mugabe. He took refuge in South Africa for six months before returning home.

His lawyer Mr Jonathan Samukange applied for discharge at the close of the state case arguing that his client’s life was under threat and he qualified for refugee status.

“When a person is under threat, his life is under threat; he can leave the country as a refugee. The refugee status starts from Zimbabwe; it does not start from the foreign country. The act is very clear on that point, so that’s why my client pleaded not guilty……when he left he was already a refugee…,” said Mr Samukange.

The court will hand down its ruling on the application for discharge at the close of the state case today (Tuesday) at 08:30 am.