Zanu Pf Will Transport Voters To Polling Stations On July 30 Says VP Mohadi
17 June 2018
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Vice President Kembo Mohadi

By Own Correspondent|  Vice President Kembo Mohadi has revealed that his party will ensure that all registered party members vote in the forthcoming elections through providing the logistical needs of those who would be having challenges accessing polling stations.

VP Mohadi said his party would ensure that all registered party supporters are transported to polling stations to ensure that they vote.

“I’m not speculating but I’m talking about the number of our party members who are registered to vote and come election time we will make sure that almost all of them vote even if it means transporting those who can’t make it to polling stations,” he said.

VP Mohadi said the participation of the over 100 political parties gives his party Zanu Pf a better chance of victory in the forthcoming elections since the many opposition political parties will split the vote in favour of Zanu Pf.

VP Mohadi said his party was prepared for the elections because Zanu Pf has a solid support base.

“Yes, MDC is doing whatever they are doing but there are more than 100 political parties that are registered and this will divide votes.

We are ready and for sure we will win. We expect a 70 per cent victory…There is no inter-party violence so far and campaigns are being held peacefully and this is the spirit that should prevail even during elections. If you have a solid support base there is no need to engage in violence,” said VP Mohadi.