Mnangagwa Condemns Biti On Hate Speach
20 June 2018
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Tendai Biti tagged ZANU PF supporters “dogs”

By Paul Nyathi|President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken to the social media to condemn MDC Alliance principal Tendai Biti for equating ZANU PF supporters to dogs.

Mnangagwa made the call in a ZANU PF supporters Facebook page inviting them to remain peaceful and not retaliate to the alleged provocations by rival opposition members.

“It has been brought to my attention that the MDC has embarked on a systematic campaign of provocation, intimidation and in some cases violence against Zanu pf supporters. This must stop forthwith,” said Mnangagwa.

“I have noted with concern statements by some MDC Alliance leaders like Tendai Biti who have insulted all Zanu pf members by calling them dogs among other derogatory terms and insults. This is unfortunate and is not in sync with what we are trying to achieve as a Country. We want to nurture a new political culture of tolerance respect for divergent views and peaceful coexistence.”

“I have called for tolerance and urged all political leaders to be exemplary as they canvas for votes,” said Mnangagwa.

“Zanu pf supporters should remain calm and should not be lured into retaliation.” could not immediately establish when Biti made the highly derogative remarks on ZANU PF supporters. MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa has meanwhile been going around the country calling on his supporters to remain peaceful throughout the election period.

Both Mnangagwa and Chamisa have committed to meeting each other to come up with an agreement of peace and harmony as the country goes for the crucial election.