Mugabe Son Says “ZANU PF Is Nothing Without Gushungo,”
31 July 2018
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By Paul Nyathi|As the ruling ZANU PF continues to lose ground with election results trickling in, former President Robert Mugabe’s son, Chatunga Bellarmine has reiterated his call that the party can never make it without his father.

In a social media post on Tuesday morning, Chatunga wrote

“Zanu Pf is nothing without Gushungo . I did tell you. Long Live Gushungo” said Chatunga referring to a post he wrote in November four days after his father was removed from power by the military.

“You can’t fire a Revolutionary leader ! Zanu Pf is nothing without President Mugabe Gushungo will always remain the champion of champions! Proud of you Gushungo Proud of Dad. Gushungo always and forever to death,”