“Emmerson Mnangagwa Is Unmoved By Plight Of Zimbabweans”
28 October 2018
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Terrence Mawawa|Social commentator Nanette Allmark has said Emmerson Mnangagwa is a “heartless” leader who is unconcerned about the plight of suffering Zimbabweans.

Responding to opposition figure Barbara Nyagomo’s comments on the MDC Anniversary Celebrations Allmark said:” I think Barbara’s questions are really interesting. Yes
it was MDC@19 and it made one heck of a statement, reflecting where the hearts of the people lie.

Yes it made a statement to the people of Zimbabwe and most definitely one to Zanu PF : one they didn’t like. Those who accuse the MDC of ruining the economy through sanctions are incorrect.

The USA provided ED with a list of requirements to be fulfilled to have sanctions lifted. What’s stopping
them? The EU clearly stated that our elections did NOT meet international standards.

I don’t think the MDC Gwanzura meeting affected the economy.If our politicians are not prepared to sacrifice and climb down from their
arrogant high horse then the situation in the country will degenerate into chaos.