Angry, Unimpressed ED Leaves Mbare Flats In A Hurry
7 May 2019
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Mnangagwa leaves the block of flats visibly unimpressed

Own Correspondent|President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday quickly dashed away from his much talked about visit to Matapi flats in Mbare after it dawned on him that what was being shown to him on the outside of the flats did not reflect the real progress on the work he ordered to be done.

Mnangagwa was shocked when he demanded to go inside the flats to realise that much of the work in the inside of the flats had not been done and occupants were living in the building as renovations were taking place.

Journalists who were at the scene heard the President take Local Government Minster July Moyo to task for keeping people in the flats while renovations were taking place.

Mnangagwa, left without addressing people who had gathered to witness the event.

A tent, chairs and podium had been set up to allow Mnangagwa to address the gathering, however the President briefly spoke to senior officials before leaving.

“You must move people while renovating the flats, since it is not healthy. This paint is producing a bad chocking smell and could affect people.

“Before moving to the rehabilitation of the next section of flats please make sure you move people until such time it is safe to do so because some might be allergic to it,” Mnangagwa told officials at close range.

Mnangagwa immediately tasked Harare City Council to find alternative places for Matapi Flats residents to stay while the blocks were being renovated.

Briefing the journalists after touring the flats, Mnangagwa turned against the residents saying he was not impressed by some residents who are refusing to be moved from the flats temporarily to quicken the refurbishment.

Government is carrying out the renovations in partnership with the Harare City Council with the works being done by FGC Singapore.

The flats are being renovated at the instruction of President Mnangagwa following a fire which gutted some flats last year.

The refurbishment includes the painting of the buildings, rehabilitation of the sewer and water system and the painting of the pre-cast wall.