Mnangagwa Takes Harare Mayor To Task Over Sprucing Up Harare CBD
14 May 2019
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President Emmerson Mnangagwa

State Media|President Mnangagwa has urged Harare Mayor Councillor Herbert Gomba to ensure that all property owners refurbish their buildings to restore the city’s sunshine status.

Most buildings in the city have not been attended to for many years.

The President even suggested that Clr Gomba comes up with by-laws that will compel property owners to keep their buildings refurbished and painted all the time.

“Your Worship, Cde Mayor, look at the beauty of this building,” he said, referring to the new imposing structure now housing the Labour Court, during the commissioning of the building along Rotten Row, next to the Harare Magistrates’ Courts.

“May you insist that those in business in your city uplift the buildings by repainting them.”

He went on: “It is my suggestion for Your Worship to pass by-laws which require that after a certain period the building must be face lifted.

“This is yet another example of what can be achieved where there is unity of purpose and collaboration.”

Government’s Vision 2030 seeks to ensure that buildings in the cities are well maintained as one way of building a great business reputation.

Last year Clr Gomba directed property owners to refurbish their properties for the city to regain its sunshine status, but to date, nothing has been done to ensure that property owners complied with the council directive.

He even threatened to invoke some by-laws to achieve the council goal on reconditioning and refurbishment of city buildings.

However, President Mnangagwa’s clarion call keeps up with his thrust to protect the image of cities.

The President even went a step further last year when he introduced monthly clean-up day, which is held on the first Friday of each calendar month.

The initiative was made to ensure that the country has sustainable environment management and waste disposal systems.

Exterior maintenance of buildings usually makes businesses look more professional. It also protects buildings against degradation and ensures regulatory compliance.