Circus ZANU PF Elections Declared Null And Void Because The Winners Were Not Expected To Win.
20 May 2019
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Zanu PF’s Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology principal Munyaradzi Machacha stresses a point to party members (from left) Mike Bimha, Retired Colonel George Nare, Dr David Parirenyatwa and Absalom Sikhosana at the party offices at Davies Hall in Bulawayo yesterday

State Media|THE Zanu-PF Bulawayo provincial leadership and restructuring team yesterday declared the provincial elections null and void with former war veterans’ leader Jabulani Sibanda who was eyeing the chairman’s post being asked to step aside.

In an interview after the elections were declared null and void at the party provincial headquarters, Davies Hall, yesterday, Zanu-PF Director in the Commissariat George Nare said elections were moved to Saturday after it was realised that the calibre of party members that were being nominated into leadership positions was below the party’s expectations and standards.

He however, said election results that came out of Saturday’s polls still stand.

Nare said during Saturday’s elections, Rejoice Ndlovu was elected chairperson of the Women’s League, while Cephas Ncube and Garikayi Zonde were elected as chairpersons of the Main Wing and Youth League respectively.

On Sibanda not participating in the elections, Nare said the former war veterans’ leader had not been disqualified but was asked not to contest.

“He was persuaded by fellow war veterans not to contest and allow Cde Ncube who is chairman of the war veterans in Bulawayo province to do so which he won resoundingly,” he said.

On nullification of yesterday’s process, Nare said as the elections progressed they realised that the calibre of candidates who were being elected to occupy critical provincial posts left a lot to be desired.

He said people with criminal records were now finding their way into the provincial leadership yet the party requires disciplined people with sound education and experience.

Nare said the party also discovered that some people were not registered voters.

He said Zanu-PF wants to choose people on merit in line with its theme of rebuilding the party.

“As the Bulawayo provincial executive council elections progressed, we discovered that the people who were being elected didn’t have the requisite qualifications and experience to occupy the posts. They’re not able to mobilise more people to join the party and lack the capacity to manage affairs of the province,” said Nare.

“We therefore, as the restructuring team, Central Committee members and Politburo members decided that it would be unwise to proceed with the elections with unsuitable people being elected to occupy powerful and sensitive posts at provincial level.”

Among those supervising the process were Deputy National Commissar Omega Hungwe, Secretary for Health, David Parirenyatwa; Secretary for Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Mike Bimha, Politburo members Munyaradzi Machacha, Angeline Masuku, Absalom Sikhosana, Central Committee member Anna Moyo and Bulawayo Provincial Affairs Minister Judith Ncube.

Nare said it was unfortunate that the national leadership thought the electorate was mature and responsible enough to select people who were qualified for the provincial posts.

“We realised that the electorate was not measuring up to the party’s expectations. So we’ve given ourselves another week to put our house in order to come up with a new way to pick suitable candidates for the different posts. We’re talking of a whole province not a cell, branch or district, so we have to be careful about the people we elect to be leaders,” he said.

“We had advised party members to avoid electing people with criminal records but surprisingly those people were being elected but it’s totally unacceptable. Dubious characters known for extorting money from people in the name of the party and putting it into disrepute were being nominated. It would be irresponsible of us to allow such to happen in the party.”

Nare said for the secretary for legal affairs post, the party prefers someone with a law degree so that the person is able to execute his duties competently and professionally.

The same goes for the secretary for health; a medical doctor or at least a nurse with experience in the health profession is required.

“We have to be honest with ourselves and do what’s best for the party, otherwise it will go down on its knees. Accordingly we agreed that the best was to postpone the elections to the next weekend to come up with a set criteria for each position, in line with the duties and responsibilities of that particular post,” said Nare.

“The secretary for administration and finance should also have qualifications and experience in the same fields. The same applies for all other posts. We want a strong provincial leadership that will have capacity to rebuild the party, especially in Bulawayo, we don’t want to take chances.

“We want to make sure that we do the right thing. We want a team of men and women with stamina, energy, who are bold and have the drive to make sure they meet targets that will be set for them by the party headquarters in terms of mobilising people and making sure the provincial structures are strengthened.”