“Saying No To Homosexuality Does Not Mean We Are Primitive,” Zambian President
2 December 2019
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PRESIDENT EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU has frowned upon anyone who calls Zambia premitive for refusing to accept gay rights which he said was not the order of nature adding that it is unbiblical.

“We are saying no to homosexuality, why should you be saying we are only going to be civilized if we allow it, are you saying we are very premitive because we are frowning upon homosexuality?” President Lungu asked Sky News Reporter Alex Crowford yesterday.

President Lungu went on to observe the order of nature, “Even animals do not do it so why should we be forced to do it because we want to be seen to be smart, to be seen to be civilized and advanced.”

A noise on homosexuality arose when a judge sentenced two gentlemen to fifteen years imprisonment for crime against the order of nature.

American Diplomat added his voice ordering Zambia to rethink the law in a rather undiplomatic manner threatening Zambia’s sovereignty.

Some opposition chancers opted to support the diplomat but went mute after many Zambians stood on the platform of being a Christian Nation on social media.

However, President Lungu has been unequivocal about his position on the matter as Zambia’s leader.

He has observed that unlike other leaders who seemingly would bend at the monetary advantage of accepting gay rights he would rather stick to biblical principles.

“If you want to be tying your aid to homosexuality… If that is how you will bring your aid then I am afraid the Western can leave us alone in our poverty and we will continue scrounging and struggling and see how we can get going,” President Lungu said.

President Lungu added that he is of the personal view that gay people can be counseled adding that he may look at a shorter punishment but will not accept to repeal the law.

Zambian Observer