Time ED Ignored Wutaunashe And Crew, Chamisa Is Not The Problem
3 December 2019
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Dear editor, please can you write or tweet to Reverend Andrew Wutaunashe. Is everything happening in the country, shortages of fuel , legitimate incapacitaion of the doctors , no tools of work and lack of medication, expensive electricity and unaffordable basic commodities to name a few being caused by Chamisa not recognising Mnangagwa?

It’s high time these so called men of God stopped slushing to ED , if they want real changes in the country and if they mean well. It’s a waste of time to flock to the State house for heaping praises at ED. The hero worshipping must come to an end. If people are going to meet Mnangagwa they must honestly speak the issues that are affecting the people they purport to represent. People are dying in hospitals it’s not even time to discuss that Chamisa should recognise ED it’s neither here nor there and not important at all .

They must be constructive , put pressure on ED to fix the economy as he is the Leader ruling Zimbabwe recognition is not the issue unless you are trying to tell us indirectly that Chamisa has the keys to unlock the Economy and fix the problems in the country. Is ED failing to do the job he was mandated by people to do because Chamisa feels strongly that he was the winner of 2018 Election ? What is the real issue that’s making them flock to the State house. If I was ED I would not listen to any of them hypocrites they were doing the same with Bob.

They are there to make their stomachs full , there for selfish reasons . They are actually wasting ED’s time , he needs people who can honestly tell him where he is going wrong and how they propose he fixes the mess in the country.

The way people are being brutalized for just trying to have their desperate voices heard and those that are walking innocently on the streets. They don’t even talk about the killings that have happened on the streets in Harare not once but twice , innocent people were gunned down in broad daylight , the slow genocide happening in-the hospitals and you don’t mention all that, how shameful is that. Chamisa chete, chete is the issue. Be Godly man and do what you stand for and be careful that you will be judged harshly on the day of reckoning.

I am proud of the Catholic Bishops they went to the State House to plead with ED about the Health issues the country is facing and as the governing person to sort it out.

Stand up and be counted, your children and your grandchildren one day will be ashamed of carrying your last name.

Chamisa is not the issue , he is not governing , the country is burning, only and until most of these church leaders realise that they are not what the Church or Christ calls them to be , things will be sorted out in our country. Call a spade e a spade or stay at your houses and stop pretending like you care for the masses that are suffering and dying everyday.