ZRP Every Break-in, Burglary From 2014-2020 Has Benefited Mnangagwa….
5 February 2020
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By Simba Chikanza |

2014 (Sept) – At the height of a fight for the Vice Presidency (to succeed President Robert Mugabe) Senior “Mugabe” judge Rita Makarau’s office was broken into and her computer stolen…

2014 Sept – Chief Justice Godfrey Chiduausiku’s office was broken into and the “thieves” stole a computer.

2014 – Emmerson Mnangagwa later boasts that he used former First Lady Grace Mugabe to boot out Vice President Joice Mujuru.

2014 – As a result of these developments, Mnangagwa
was suddenly appointed Vice President in December 2014.

2014 (Dec) – Mnangagwa’s office was broken into and fake cyanide was planted.

All these break ins made Mnangagwa appear like a persecuted hero.

In Aug 2017, Mnangagwa had a fake poisoning attack, which instantly made him a hero, respected by the military. To this day, many still believe the lie that Mugabe poisoned him. But it was that fake poison which made him a Coup President, perfect!

After several months struggling with his deputy Constantino Chiwenga, the latter who kept wrestling the mic away from Mnangagwa at state functions, the two had a bomb attack in which Mnangagwa escaped with just a speck of dusk on his baggy black trousers.

His deputy Chiwenga however was not only bombed, but poisoned. Both Chiwenga and wife, have since struggled with a mysterious condition only healed by a Chinese doctor. That doctor, hired by the state, has told ZimEye he has both the cure and the poison.

2020 (2 Feb) – Mnangagwa was openly exposed by ZANU PF Youth League leaders who vowed to confront him over protecting cartel bigwig Kuda Tagwirei.

On the same day, Zengeza MP Job Sikhala facing a trial, declared Mnangagwa an idiot not qualified to be a president.

2020 (3Feb) – The judge presiding over Sikhala’s trial, Justice Mawadze, was burgled. The Police who Mnangagwa is on video saying he owns, rushed to drop Sikhala’s name on the police docket relating to the break in.