Tracy Mutinhiri Quits MDC With Immediate Effect
6 February 2020
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MDC official Tracy Mutinhiri has announced her resignation from the Nelson Chamisa-led party.

The letter she wrote to Nelson Chamisa, dated 5th February 2020, says her resignation is with immediate effect.

Since joining the MDC in 2012, Mutinhiri could not realize her wish to become MDC legislator as well as a National Executive Council member. She was also a former spy in the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO).

Below is Mutinhiri’s resignation letter send to MDC leader Nelson Chamisa…

The 64-year-old Mutinhiri was once a Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Welfare under Robert Mugabe, as she was then a Zanu-PF legislator for Marondera East. She also served as the political commissar for the Zanu-PF Women’s League.

She was expelled from Zanu-PF and the Government in August 2011 following allegations of going against party policies and directives. She then joined the MDC-T under Morgan Tsvangirai.

Mutinhiri was married to Zanu-PF official, Retired Brigadier-General Ambrose Mutinhiri.
