Kenyan Govt In Heavy Conflict With Daniel Arap Moi Family On Burial Place, Exactly The Mugabe Way.
7 February 2020
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Correspondent|The late former Kenyan President Daniel Moi’s funeral has received an unsuspected twist.

Following Moi’s passing on Tuesday, President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered that the ex-Head Of State would be accorded a state funeral.

During a press conference on the same say, Rongai MP Raymond Moi clarified that the government had taken over everything pertaining to the final journey of the country’s icon.

The late president Daniel Moi during a past public address

Reports emerged that the family and the administration read from different scripts on the ‘Professor of Politic’ final testing place.

Details disclosed that Uhuru’s government had floated the idea of burying the once head of KANU party at Uhuru Gardens.

Led by the Deputy Head of Public Service William Musiambo, their reason behind the suggestion was anchored upon the burial of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

The family of the deceased, however, rejected the idea highlighting that the move would go against Moi’s wishes.

They reiterated that the second president of the country would be laid to rest at his Kabarak next to his late wife Lena Moi.

According to further information, Moi made the decision after elders refused to have the spouse buried in Sacho which is his home town as reported by a local daily.

This left the ‘Nyayo’ man with no option but to resign to the idea.

As Lena was put six feet under, the once vice-president of the country indicated that he wanted to be next to her when his time came.

President Uhuru is set to lead the viewing of the body on Saturday after he returns from the United States.