LIVE UPDATES- Chamisa Addresses Gwanda
10 February 2020
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Nelson Chamisa

MDC leader Nelson Chamisa is addressing party members in Gwanda as part of his national tour to meet the party’s provincial leadership.

Nelson Chamisa

Below are live updates of the meeting.

15:00 This year we want to put in place the people’s government. ZANU PF is the ruling party we are the leading party.

14:57 The second thing for our agenda is to win parliament. We will not continue losing elections because people impose candidates.

14:55 To achieve our objective, starting this year anyone who is in party leadership and fails to deliver will be substituted. Chamisa

14:51 Our Agenda 2020 main objective is to be the governing party in the country. We must be different from ZANU PF. Chamisa

14:50 Chamisa assures that as soon as he is done touring the provinces, he will visit all the 210 Constituencies.

14:40 Chamisa takes to the podium turns the house wild with greetings in Ndebele

14:30 National chair person Thabitha Khumalo takes to the podium introduces Chamisa to the house.

1410: Nelson Chamisa has arrived in Gwanda at the Gwanda District Club for the meeting with the party structures.

1400: Party stalwarts brave the heavy rains pounding Gwanda District for an interface with party leader Nelson Chamisa.