ED Mnangagwa Replaced RG Mugabe Without Approval
11 February 2020
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Correspondent|A KWEKWE City Council worker is reported to have illegally changed Robert Mugabe Road to Emmerson Mnangagwa Road, a decision that has left councillors fuming over the name changes without following procedures.

Speaking after a full council meeting, Kwekwe Deputy Mayor Shadreck Tobaiwa said the city fathers were recently shocked when they discovered that the street’s name had been changed without their authority.

After confronting the city’s management over the issue, the councillors were told that an unnamed council worker had changed the names without authority.

“We were not consulted on the renaming of the road. As councillors, we were kept in the dark of the whole process. We were shocked to wake up one morning and see the road renamed to Emmerson Mnangagwa from Robert Mugabe without any consultation,” Tobaiwa said.

“After we consulted management, we were told that a city employee had changed the road insignia after the Robert Mugabe sign fell following heavy rains. The worker decided to put up a new sign with Emmerson Mnangagwa’s name.

“We are, however, consulting lawyers on the issue on what it entails and what must be done as a way forward.”

Kwekwe is the hometown of Mnangagwa and the new street sign remains in place.