I am Satisfied With My Position in ZANU PF : Machakaire
13 February 2020
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By Own Correspondent| Deputy Minister of Youth, Sports Arts and Recreation Tinoda Machakaire is reportedly dismissing those trying to push his name in the ring for Zanu PF youth league chairmanship.

Sources privy to the jostling of the position said Machakaire is saying he is comfortable with his position at the party and did not want more.

“He is telling those who are trying to push him for the position that he is okay with his position and currently he is the secretary for transport at province,” the source revealed.

The position became vacant following the suspension of Chairman Pupurai Togarepi, Deputy secretary Lewis Matutu and commissar Godfrey Tsenengamu.

Currently Mchakaire is the provincial secretary for transport in Mashonaland East.

Contacted for comment, Machakaire said he was not even aware of what was being said by people as he was not gunning for any position in the party,

“I don’t know where all this is coming from all I can say is I am okay with my position in the party. I think for now we should be concentrating on building the economy, following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s vision to have a middle class economy by 2030 that is all I can say” he said hanging up his phone.

Over the weekend he told a gathering in Hwedza that people need to serve the interests of the party first without looking for higher positions.

“We need to understand the ideology of the party, serve it without looking for positions or benefits. Do we go to church for benefits? We go to serve God, so it is the same in politics Zanu PF is the party we just need to serve it.  As for me I am satisfied with my position,” he said.

Machakaire has left no stone unturned in making sure that his constituency’s problems are attended to.

As if it that is not enough at the Ministry of Youth he has done a number of notable things that include sourcing funds for University students as well as spearheading a campaign to source equipment for the youth in mining.