CORONAVIRUS Patient Has Described In Extraordinary Detail How The Disease Feels Like.
3 March 2020
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Express UK|Julie from Singapore told the BBC’s 5 Live on the day her symptoms intensified “the room was spinning” when she woke up. Julie explained everything felt like it was in “slow-motion” when she was trying to complete simple tasks. During the critical stage of the disease, Julie said “my lungs were going into overdrive” as she battled the disease at its most dangerous phase. 

Julie said: “On February 3rd I had a fever and remember sleeping for the whole day.

“Then after that the fever went and for the rest of the week I was well.

“I didn’t have anything, not even a sniffle or a cough.

“However, on the 7th of February I woke up at 3am and the room was spinning.

coronavirus news
Julie explained the symptoms she suffered during an interview with BBC's 5 Live (Image: BBC)
coronavirus news
The medication Julie was taking while she had the coronavirus (Image: BBC)

“The next morning at 8.30am I got a call from a doctor saying I am sorry to tell you that you have contracted the virus.”

She continued: “When the doctor told me that I was going to enter the critical stage for the next few days I actually ate all my meals because I knew I had to be ready for the body to fight the virus.

“My lungs were going into overdrive, they were really making an effort.

“It is not like normal days when we are not conscious of how we breathe.

“Everything went into slow motion.”

There have currently been more than 90,000 cases of COVID-19 across the globe. 

The death toll currently stands at 3,119. 

More than 48,000 patients have recovered from the virus. 

The coronavirus symptoms

There are currently just under 40,000 active cases of COVID-19.

More than 80,000 of the disease have been in China were the source ou the disease has been traced from. 

South Korea has the next highest number of confirmed cases at nearly 5000.

The United Kingdom has 40 confirmed cases of COVID-19.