US$ 25 million embezzlement haunts Liberia
16 March 2020
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By Own Correspondent| Mystery surrounds the mis-management of US$25 million mop up exercise of excess Liberian dollars that has since claimed the life of the country’s Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) chief.

Deputy Director for Micro-Finance, Matthew Innis and CBL driver Kollie Ballah were killed under mysterious circumstances and five others were arrested whilst Rose D. Jones and others fled the country for fear of their lives on allegations of missing funds.

Allegations are that the Government injected US$25 million into the economy, it is claimed that $338 000 was taken by officials from Government and CBL who created a parallel account under the name Genera’l Revenue.

Reports are that a cheque was brought to the Liberia Revenue Authority for processing however, Rose D Jones a Supervisor in the Registration, Returns and Bank Services Division was give the cheque for processing into the created private account.

Jones declined to process the cheque after noticing that it was a fraudulent process and reported it to her boss. She became the whistle blower whose life was under threat.

As investigations into the matter began some unknown men went to Ms. Jones at midnight and threatened her and in another incident Jones was leaving work and unknown men followed her whilst she was leaving the office yard.

On September 14, 2019 reports are that Jones was last seen at the Airport boarding a Royal Air Morac flight to Morocco.

Contacted for comment on the matter Liberia National Police said they cannot comment on the issue as investigations are ongoing and both officials from the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance and Development Planning have been under investigations.

Family members including friends and workmates were also quizzed as to why Jones left the country by to no avail.