Zimpapers Official Appointed As ZANU PF Director Of Information And Publicity
18 March 2020
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Tafadzwa Mugwadi

Zanu PF has appointed Tafadzwa Mugwadi as director of Information and Publicity.

He takes over from Danny Musukuma, who was relieved of his duties sometime last year.

Zanu PF secretary for Finance Patrick Chinamasa confirmed the appointment yesterday.

“Yes, I can confirm that Mugwadi is now the party’s director of Information and Publicity,” he said. “He officially started his duties on Monday.”

Before his appointment, Mugwadi was part of the Zimpapers’ Knowledge Centre team. He resigned from Zimpapers this week and promises to revamp Zanu PF’s information department. Cde Mugwadi holds an BSc Honours Political Science and a Master of Science Degree in International Relations from the University of Zimbabwe.

He is also a PhD candidate.

Said Mugwadi: “It’s time to get down to serious business. It’s a position of trust and responsibility and yes, I will do my best to fulfil the expectations of the party leadership and our membership.

“There are seniors at the party to learn from.” Zanu PF Mashonaland West Youth League chairperson Vengai Musengi hailed the appointment.

He said it showed that Zanu PF had confidence in young blood. “We are happy because youths are now being given positions of trust,” said Musengi.