COVID-19: Sakunda Resuscitates Rock Foundation, St Annes Hospital
25 March 2020
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Sakunda Holdings has teamed up with its associates to resuscitate Rock Foundation and St Annes hospital in a multi million dollar initiative aimed at complementing government efforts in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

Government has been calling on the private sector to assist in its efforts to fight the pandemic that has so far claimed one life in the country.

The two facilities identified by Sakunda Holdings have been idle for long and will be used for Covid 19 response only.

The firm, which is currently undergoing several relevant processes, wants the medical facilities to be open to everyone contrary to media reports that they will be open to Government and ZanuPF bigwigs.

It is envisaged that if all processes are done on time one of the facilities will be operational by Wednesday next week.

Sakunda Holdings officials have already toured the health facilities and have so far moved their personnel at Rock Foundation after working with local medical experts and specialists to identify what is needed.

Negotiations are currently underway with management at St Annes hospital amid indications that the company is ready to foot all the refurbishment bills.

In correspondence between Sakunda Holdings and government, the firm indicated its desire to complement government efforts when they wrote to the permanent secretary in the ministry of health and chikd care seeking relevant licenses.

“the government of Zimbabwe has implemented raft of measures to curb and control the outbreak of the disease albeit under tough economic circumstances. It is against this background that Sakunda holdings (PVT) Ltd and its associates have come up with a private initiative to complement government efforts to curb this pandemic specifically in the provision of health facilities, equipment, training and vaccines. Sakunda has identified Rock Foundation Medical Centre as a facility in the fight against covid-19” said the letter signed by Everton Mlalazi un charge of special projects at Sakunda Holdings.

The firm is requesting government in facilitating the engagement with relevant bodies to expedite the process in view of the urgency required to deal with the pandemic.

“Licenses will be sought from the following bodies: MCAZ, Pharmacists Council, Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe, Medical and Dental Council of Zimbabwe and Health Professions Authority,” said Mlalazi.

Ministry of Health and Child Care Permanent Secretary Dr Abigail Mahomva wrote to St Annes’ Hospital Manager expressing satisfactory following a tour which officials from the ministry and executives from Sakunda holdings had at their health facility.

“The team was satisfied with what they saw during the tour and would like you to finalise our request. Please note that we have since identified Sakunda holdings (copied) to be our partner to work with us and yourselves to do all the remaining renovations and refurbishments necessary for the hospital to function in the shortest period of time. Sakunda holdings has confirmed that they have the resources and funding to do the work and hence refurbishments will not be at your costs.

May you also note as discussed during the tour of your hospital our request to use this facility is for up to six months only for the covid-19 response,”,” said Dr Mahovha.

Sakunda Holdings wants to use its resources and support Government in the provision of health facilities, equipment, training of medical personnel and vaccines.